(800) 874-6601

Practice Maximus - Integrations

Use the Practice Maximus Ordering Integration with VisionWeb

Powerful, fast, robust, and user-friendly, enjoy the sweeping benefits of EHR-Certified Practice Maximus (PM). Fully integrated with VisionWeb, order from the lab of your choice with ease and efficiency. PM offers all the features needed to manage your practice, including electronic insurance billing, e-prescribing, patient record management and scheduling, billing, inventory, and much more. Unlike other optometric management programs, PM was not written by just a software company, but by an optometric industry leader, Diversified Ophthalmics, Inc. With unparalleled onshore software support, PM includes your choice of either a computer or iPad. Call today for a free demo (866) 626-2281.

Looking to place spectacle lens orders to laboratories via the Practice Maximus ordering integration with VisionWeb? Contact customer service at (866) 626-2281or e-mail

Click here to view the Practice Maximus Brochure.

nullPractice Management Integration – Practice Maximus by Diversified Ophthalmics, Inc.


Practice Maximus

Practice Maximus
Diversified Ophthalmics, Inc


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